!!!Wiki and shell

Shell script/command is a bit like a wiki plugin.
A console with history is a bit like a long web page.
A wiki page could be a sequence of command, output.
Or each command output goes in separate page and a session history shows the N latest subpages.
Command line output has markup: return, tab, colors.
A regular VT is needed to use VI or other fullscreen programs.
I need more markup otherwise it's not worth the overhead of the webpage/wiki.
* recognise certain data forms, add markup (e.g. http, mailto, date)
* recognize command or wrap command with dedicated filter that adds markup
* allow new commands to add markup in their output
Ideas for markup:
* makes table a table
* add links to documentation
* add links that execute a command in the current shell)
* add image (e.g. Gnuplot output)
* add menu of contextual actions
* add anchors that can be used to reuse output into new shell commands.
* click on prompt showing path, choose ls
* type lsof, output is decorated, pids show a menu of actions (pargs, stack, pwdx...)
* file prettifier annotates documentation with doc links etc.
* script displays information with local links and certain information as popups, linked pages
Bad scenarios:
* How to handle tail?
* ls -l on big directory is useless, big, pollutes search results, how to get rid of it?
* vi and other interactive programs don't mix well