Widget ideas#
- text window showing a subset of a gigantic (>100GB), should allow filtering, search, folding of blocks
- scrollbar with background image that can be updated. idea: show summary of environment in which we scroll.
- graph with objects I can click on and select associated data in other widget. Lasso to select a group of associate objects
- 2d heat map where I can click to find associated data. Select a group (possibly a la gimp). Ideally, zoomable, scrollable
- display two or more images on top of each other with a transformation for each, combine them (transparency, difference). Allow to zoom and scroll.
- layout manager that allows to stack widgets (e.g. Map of scrollable area on to of scrollable)
- text label that shows image behind text (e.g. Bar that shows value etc). The image could be blended with background color to make text more readable.
Implementation techniques#
- Use composition to display image background behind widget: swing
- glazed lists seem interesting for searching/filtering lists
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