
For [ages|https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86405], some people have desired an LDAP client sufficient to use as an address book. 

Such an LDAP client must have the following features:

*Create, update and delete LDAP entries
**Edit attributes which are part of the distinguished name (DN)
**Create update and delete attributes

!!Exiting LDAP CLients

* [Apache Directory Studio|http://directory.apache.org/studio/]: awesome tool, but overkill for an address book
* [Evolution|http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/]: great but only for Linux users
* [Apple Address Book.app]: read only
* [Thunderbird|http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/]: read only


The ldapservice project provides a Java EE web application with a REST API for interacting with an LDAP server.

*Public SVN repository: [http://spacepirates.com/ro/ldapservice/]
*Committers SVN repository: [http://spacepirates.com/rw/ldapservice/]


The ldapclient project provides and HTML5 application which is a GUI interacting with the ldapservice.

!!Dealing with Updating DN

*Edit DN: clone, change DN, remove original, insert clone with new DN


* [IBM Jersey Contacts Example|http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-aj-tomcat/]
* [Tomcat 7]
* [Spring Framework]
* [Spring LDAP|http://static.springsource.org/spring-ldap/site/reference/html/configuration.html]
* [Spring Security]
* [JAX-RS (Jersey)]

Code has been committed. Here's is an XML output from the "addressbook" service:


And here's the mocked contact output in JSON:
{"contact":[{"displayName":"Joe Lion","faxNumber":"","firstName":"Joe","homePhone":"510 222 5555","htmlEmail":"false","lastName":"Lion","mobileNumber":"510 333 6666","nickname":"JoeL","pagerNumber":"","primaryEmail":"joelion@jungle.com","secondaryEmail":"","uid":"1","workPhone":""},{"displayName":"Sam Snake","faxNumber":"","firstName":"Sam","homePhone":"510 444 5555","htmlEmail":"false","lastName":"Snake","mobileNumber":"510 555 6666","nickname":"SamS","pagerNumber":"","primaryEmail":"samsnake@jungle.com","secondaryEmail":"","uid":"2","workPhone":""}]}