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A mindmap offers a visual representation of a tree/graph of text items. It makes it easy to change the point of view (move around, fold/unfold). A wiki offers a page-based view of hyperlinked text. Typically one page of a graph of pages is visible at a time. Publishing and sharing is very easy with a Wiki. Instead of hosting mindmap files on a wiki, it seems interesting to map a mindmap to a bunch of wiki pages.

A wiki page is mostly text, some text is hyperlinked to the wiki, some to the outside and some to nothing. The page also has structure which would be nice to map to structure too. The structure can be styled (H1, H2, bullet list etc.).

This could be mapped like this in Freemind:

  • wiki hyperlink: regular branch, the pointed page is a child branch.
  • external hyperlink: hyperlink
  • regular text: a branch leading nowhere
  • h1, h2: a branch with title, lower levels become subbranches.
  • list: a branch without text
  • table: maybe a branch per row, a subbranch per column repeating the column name, a subsubbranch with the data


Generate Wiki Pages from FreeMind#

  • Transform a mindmap (.mm) into a set of wiki pages (batch mode).
  • Modify FreeMind to update the wiki via RPC as nodes are added removed (real time mode)

Generate FreeMind MindMaps from Wiki Pages#

  • Write an app that crawls the wiki and translates the structure into a .mm

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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
drawing.svg 2.8 kB 1 28-Jul-2010 10:56 pog
« This particular version was published on 10-Jul-2010 22:26 by scott.  
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