|| Category || Gadget wiki page || Short description
| Computer | [Zaurus SL5500]  | The Zaurus is a small PDA with a touch screen. It ran Linux
| Computer | [EEEPC 701]  | The EEEPC was the first cheap netbook PC (after the OLPC of course)
| Computer | [Palm Tungsten E]  | The Tungsten E was a small PDA with ARM CPU
| Camera   | [EOD 350D]       | The EOS 350 is a DSLR camera
| Phone    | [Blackberry 8700]| The Blackberry 8700 is a smartphone with a Java-based proprietary OS
| Phone    | [Nexus One]      | The Nexus One is a smartphone running Java-like [Android] (Open source)
| Computer | [Sony PEG UX-50] | Palm Pilot with proprietary Sony hardware