''work in progres...''

!!Identity Havens
In order for [federation] of independent Internet communities, a reliable source of identity verification needs to exist. This source can not be associated with any commercial or governmental entity, and must be portable to a governmental jurisdiction which allows the maximum amount of freedom.

!!Identity and Social Networks
Every Internet connected web site should be part of a social network defined by the operators of that site. 

A platform needs to exist to allow creation of web sites which can be transparently federated into a social network of the operators choosing. 

The main problem with Internet privacy is that people either have to register an identity with each web site they want to participate in with any degree of privacy, or they had to transfer the role of identity management to an untrustworthy corporation or government entity which the site might refer to. 

An "identity haven" would be a neutral place where public keys could be stored safely. Federated web sites can be combined into a social network, where access to the site is determined by the level of trust the site operator assigns to the public/private key pairs. Similar to the way an individual manages their PGP key ring (with keys trusted based on various levels of knowledge of the individual... key signing parties, with keys to be used for access to the web site...)